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Department of Food Science and Technology


Food Science and Technology News: Summer 2024 Highlights

  • The department hosted their annual graduation party and celebrated our students who graduated during summer semester. We also published a special edition graduation newsletter that gave the graduates a chance to share some of their favorite memories as well as acknowledge some of the people who supported them. Congratulations and best of luck to our newest alumni.
  • Dr. Martha Belury is part of an interdisciplinary research team that was one of eleven research projects funded through the President’s Research Excellence Program Accelerator Grants. The project is looking at “Diet-related risk factors for postoperative cognitive impairment in older individuals.”
  • Congratulations to Dr. Mary Kay Pohlschneider on being named a member of the 2024 Drake Institute Affiliate Program. The Drake Institute’s Teaching and Learning Affiliate program works to distinguish faculty, staff, and students who are committed to elevating, supporting, and promoting instructional excellence and enhancing the learning outcomes and experiences of Ohio State University students through contributions to Drake Institute.
  • Dr. Yael Vodovotz, in collaboration with North Central State College, has been awarded a grant from the United States Department of Defense for their Portable Unit Food Fermenter as part of an academic challenge. Sponsored by Biomade, the team is developing the necessary microorganisms and bioprocesses for a field-deployable single-use system. This project will explore creating individual mobile, sterile, single-use fermentation systems to manufacture food in situ.
  • Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam, Dr. Emmanuel Hatzakis, and Dr. Sai Sasidhar Guduru recently published a paper titled “Impact of thermal, high-pressure and ultra-shear pasteurisation technologies on beetroot juice metabolites using untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.”
  • FST graduate student Manpreet Kaur’s latest research paper has been published in Dairy MDPI and is featured on the cover of the latest issue. Manpreet is advised by Dr. Sheryl Barringer.
  • FST graduate student Rinky Ghosh recently published a paper in Polymers titled “Addition of Coffee Waste-Derived Plasticizer Improves Processability and Barrier Properties of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate)-Natural Rubber Bioplastic.” Rinky is advised by Dr. Yael Vodovotz.
  • Several of our faculty and students traveled to conferences this summer representing Ohio State Food Science and Technology: At the American Dairy Association Meeting this year Dr. Jimenez-Flores spoke at several sessions and the following students presented research posters: Laura Castellanos-Suarez, Rolando Choriego, Talia Katz, Celeste Miller, and visiting scholar Leia Wilmot. Several from our department attended the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting. Mostafa Ali Abdelbary and Gabriella Gephart gave technical presentations while Ahmed Abdelhamid, Yukta Gharat, and Sochina Ranjit presented research posters. During the American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting, graduate students Avonti Basak Tukun, Ali Kalhori, Dustin Dakota, Kate Marris, and Associate Research Manager Dr. Rachel Cole presented research posters. Daniel Do was selected as a finalist in the Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science Poster Competition in the topical area of Dietary Bioactive Components where he placed 2nd. Daniel also gave a flash talk in the Dietary Bioactives from Bench to Bedside session. Our department also attended the IFT First Annual Meeting where Dr. Chistopher Simons, Dr. Jessica Cooperstone, Dr. Matt Teegarden, and Dr. Sriloy Dey participated in scientific sessions. FST graduate students Manpreet Kaur, Carlos Porras-Guardado, Ankur Upadhyay, Yalan Wu, Evita Maitland, Anusha Salian, Dan Zhang, Thomas Reis, Chih Chun Kuo, and Dr. Sriloy Dey presented research posters. In addition, Danielle Voss placed 1st in the Product Development Oral Competition, Rinky Ghosh and Taylor Beck placed 2nd in the Food Packaging Division Development Competition, Murphy Carroll was an Undergraduate Research Finalist, and our College Bowl team also competed as the Midwest Regional Champions.
  • This summer, FST students Fuanyi Fobellah, Sakura Sugiyama, and Mehr Un Nisa were involved with the NASA Deep Space Food Challenge. Much of the project took place in the Food Industries Center and culminated with a symposium highlighting the work that was done. You can learn more about it here: NASA Deep Space Food Challenge
  • Dr. Matthew Teegarden, Senior Researcher and strategic leader of scientific operations and communications for the OSU Foods for Health Research Initiative, was a guest on the Food Grads Podcast.
  • Dr. Lynn Knipe recently spoke at the Reciprocal Meats Conference, in Oklahoma City, OK. His talk was titled User’s Guide to Pathogen Modelling Programs and was part of a reciprocation session on Disseminating Science and Technology to the Meat Industry via Extension Programs.
  • Dr. Yael Vodovotz spoke with Indiana Public Media about the importance of eggs for baking a cake.
  • The Food Industries Center, in partnership with the International Programs in Agriculture, hosted a Women in Agriculture training program on July 6 – 20, which was funded through the USDA Cochran Fellowship Program. The two-week training was designed for a group of nine agribusiness owners and managers from India to help them better understanding the importance of women’s entrepreneurship in agriculture and food manufacturing. Dr. Valente Alvarez and Heather Bell led the group through industry tours and meetings throughout Ohio, IFT FIRST Annual Event & Expo in Chicago, and association meetings in D.C.

Upcoming Events
August 19                    Welcome back lunch for FST faculty, staff, and students
12 – 1 pm Parker Food Science Lobby

August 20                    First day of Autumn Semester classes

August 21                    FST Seminar
Mark Weir, PhD, Ohio State College of Public Health
4-5 pm Parker Food Science Room 118

August 26                    FST Seminar
Christopher Hendon, University of Oregon
4-5 pm Parker Food Science Room 118

August 28                    FST Seminar
Karen Mancl, PhD, Ohio State Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
4-5 pm Parker Food Science Room 118

September 24 - 27       Food Industries Center Training Course
Better Process Control School (hybrid)

October 18                  2024 FST Hall of Distinction
5 – 7 pm     Parker Food Science and Technology Lobby

October 22               Food Industries Center Training Course
Cleaning and Sanitation Basics

October 23-24              Food Industries Center Training Course
Advanced CIP