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Department of Food Science and Technology


Faculty Expertise

The Ohio State University

Department of Food Science and Technology

Faculty Expertise


Valente Alvarez, Professor & Director, Food Industries Center -  Dairy and food processing, research and extension. Industry-related research projects on new technologies, product development, ingredient functionality, product quality and shelf life. Food safety, GMPs and HACCP training.

Nicole Arnold, Assistant Professor and Food Safety Field Specialist - Food safety, Extension, Food preservation, Consumer food safety education, Food labels, Risk communication, Qualitative research methods, ServSafe. Joint appointment  with Ohio State University Extension.

V.M. (Bala) Balasubramaniam, Professor -  Food Engineering, Pasteurization and sterilization aspects of thermal and nonthermal food preservation technologies such as high pressure processing. Kinetic models for food safety and quality; food property characterization; safe processing parameters for pathogen reduction.

Sheryl Barringer, Professor -  Flavor volatiles. Fruit and vegetable processing, especially tomatoes.

Martha Belury, Department Chair and Professor - Testing of natural and fortified test foods that deliver fatty acids and/or polyphenols to impact inflammation and metabolism in health and disease. Joint appointments in Endocrinology in the Department of Internal Medicine and in Environmental Health Science in the College of Public Health

Osvaldo Campanella, Professor and Carl E. Haas Endowed Chair in Food Industries - Food processing engineering, extrusion, rheology, modeling food processes, structure-function of foods and food ingredients, modeling kinetics of microorganism survival and food nutrients during thermal and non-thermal processes.

Jessica Cooperstone, Associate Professor – Plant foods and health promotion and disease prevention, metabolomics, analytical chemistry, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, nutrition. Joint appointment in Dept. Horticulture and Crop Science. 

M. Monica Giusti, Associate Chair and Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences - Functional foods, phytonutrients, natural colorants. Incidence, chemistry, analytical techniques, food applications and potential biological activity of polyphenols (with emphasis on anthocyanins) and other non-volatile phytochemicals.  Appointment in OSU Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Nutrition.

Emmanuel Hatzakis, Associate Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and metabolomics in food science with emphasis on food safety, food authentication and nutrition.

Rafael Jimenez-Flores, J.T. 'Stubby' Parker Endowed Chair in Dairy Foods -  Dairy Food Science, Technology, Processing and Molecular Biology. Chemistry and biochemistry of milk and dairy food components, application of molecular biology to assess of biological active compounds from milk and dairy. Proteomics and metagenomics applied to dairy.

Lynn Knipe, Associate Professor -  Processed meat extension for the Ohio meat industry. Joint appointment in Animal Sciences.

Jiyoung Lee, Professor -   Harmful algal blooms and cyanotoxins, with emphasis on emerging health risks with interdisciplinary approach, including metagenomics, metabolomics, and geospatial tools. Microbiome in environments and hosts. Microbial source tracking and zoonotic pathogen transmission. Water-food-climate nexus. Joint appointment in Environmental Health Sciences, College of Public Health. Appointment in OSU Environmental Science Graduate Program.

Farnaz Maleky, Associate Professor - Material Science of Food, Nano-engineering of Food Systems, Food Structuring and Process Development, Mathematical Modeling of Food Physical Processes, Lipid Crystallization, Physical Chemistry of Lipid, Mechanical and Structural Properties of Lipid.

Melvin Pascall, Professor -  Food packaging with emphasis on integrity, modified atmospheric packaging, nano technology and plastics, migration/scalping, edible packaging, packaging material sanitization and food safety.

Devin Peterson, Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences - Food flavor and related chemistry, with emphasis on identification of flavor stimuli (taste, aroma, chemesthetic, mouthfeel), pathways of formation/degradation, taste/aroma modulation, and mechanisms of delivery. Director of the Flavor Research and Education Center

Mary Kay Pohlschneider, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice  Internship Coordinator. Student recruitment and outreach. Undergraduate advisor.

Luis E. Rodriguez-Saona, Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences -  Application of Fourier Transform infrared (FT-NIR and mid-IR) spectroscopy in the field of food safety and quality assurance. Development of predictive models for the rapid detection, identification and classification of chemical & microbial contaminants and food components with biological activity. Undergraduate advisor.

Christopher T. Simons, Associate Sensory Evaluation and Psychophysics. Methodology Development.  Neural and physiological underpinnings of sensation, reward and consumer decision. Functional and cognitive benefits of flavors and food ingredients.

Yael Vodovotz, Professor –  Bread staling, physico-chemical properties of carbohydrate systems and functional foods, water mobility and functional properties of food components, material properties of biopolymers and bioplastics. Appointment in OSU Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Nutrition. Undergraduate honors advisor.

Hua (Helen) Wang, Professor  Antibiotic resistance, microbial ecosystems in foods and hosts, biofilms, lactic acid bacteria and Listeria monocytogenes, rapid detection of food borne pathogens and spoilage microorganisms. Appointment in OSU Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Nutrition.

Ahmed Yousef, Virginia Hutchison Bazler and Frank E. Bazler Designated Professor in Food Science and Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences  –  Food microbiology and microbial safety of food processed by novel technology.


Joshua Bomser, Associate Professor -  Molecular nutrition and functional foods. Courtesy, with Human Nutrition.

Richard Bruno, Professor - Courtesy with Human Sciences.

Gonul Kaletunc, Professor -   Physical properties of processed foods and biomaterials. Courtesy, with Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

Rachel Kopec, Assistant Courtesy, with Department of Human Sciences

Jianrong Li, Associate Professor –  Food and waterborne viruses, viral detection, food safety, viral replication and gene expression, vaccine and anti-viral drug development. Courtesy, with Veterinary Biosciences.

Gireesh Rajashekara,  Microbiology, pre-harvest control of foodborne pathogens.  Courtesy with Food Animal Health Research Program.

Linda Saif, Distinguished University Professor - Development of vaccines, antivirals and adjuvants (probiotics) for enteric and respiratory or foodborne viruses. Diagnosis/epidemiology of zoonotic and foodborne enteric viral infections in animals including caliciviruses, rotaviruses and coronaviruses. Courtesy, with Food Animal Health Research Program.

Sudhir K. Sastry, Professor -  Mathematical modeling of heat transfer and verification of chemically heated products.  Courtesy appointment with Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

Dan Spakowicz, Assistant Research Molecular Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention

Macdonald Wick, Professor -  Meat biochemistry. Courtesy, with Animal Sciences.

S.T. Yang,  Fermentation and bioseparation research, bioreactor design, enzyme technology and metabolic engineering. Courtesy, with Chemical Engineering.


Ronald D. Harris, Adjunct Professor -  Food product development, management of R&D, decision sciences, operations management.


Louise A. Campbell, Senior Lecturer -

Srilatha Kolluri, Senior Lecturer –

Brian Waters, Senior Lecturer –