Profile TabsProfileDr. Devin PetersonProfessorDistinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciencespeterson.892@osu.edu 317 Parker Food Science Building2015 Fyffe RoadProfessional InformationInterests & Expertise: food flavor, food chemistry, taste/aroma modulationBiography: Devin Peterson is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology at The Ohio State University. In 2004 he received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) that is presented by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and has received many of the highest profile awards offered by his profession. His research efforts focus on characterizing chemical stimuli that impart flavor to foodstuffs (taste, aroma, somatosensory). His program is based on a utility inspired fundamental research platform with an overarching goal to support the development of sustainable, nutritious, and healthy foods with higher product acceptability. He directs the Flavor Research and Education Center, a partnership between academic researchers and industry leaders focused on the creation, exchange, and application of knowledge to drive innovation in the food marketspace. In 2019 he was appointed the faculty director of the Foods for Health Discovery Theme Initiative, a key University organizational structure and driving force to promote optimal health for individuals and communities through scientific discovery across the food-nutrition-health continuum. In 2020, he was also appointed to Dean’s Chair in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences to advance health and wellness initiatives. Area of Expertise: Food flavor and related chemistry, with emphasis on identification of flavor stimuli (taste, aroma, chemesthetic, mouthfeel), pathways of formation/degradation, taste/aroma modulation, and mechanisms of delivery. Director of the Flavor Research and Education Center. Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData