CFAES Give Today

Department of Food Science and Technology


Food Science and Technology News: May 2018 Highlights

  • The department graduated 21 undergraduate students, 3 Masters students, and 4 PhD’s during the spring semester graduation. Congratulations and best of luck to our new alumni.
  • During our department’s spring semester graduation party, a number of awards were announced including:
    Dr. Matt Teegarden received the 2018 Pamela Parker Gartin and Tom Parker graduate scholarship.
    Hannah Mehle received the 2017-2018 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
  • The Ohio Academy of Science State Science Day was held earlier this month and Dr. John Litchfield and Dr. Brian Waters served as judges for the OSU Food Science Award. Congratulations to Aleacia Laird of Springfield, Ohio for her first place award and to Heather Milliron of Springfield, Ohio for her second place award.
  • Dr. Hua Wang’s research with oral antibiotics was featured in an article in the Scholars Strategy Network. She also talked about her research with antibiotics in this New York Times article.
  • Dr. Rafael Jimenez-Flores has been elected Vice President of the American Dairy Association Board of Directors.
  • Dr. Barbara Kowalcyk was invited to attend the 2018 Forum on Culture Independent Diagnostics: Charting a Course for Public Health in Washington, DC earlier this month. FST research assistant Ahmed Abdelhamid and grad students Shiyu Cai and Walaa Hussein also attended. The College and Department served as a co-sponsor and as such, will be working with the other co-sponsors and attendees to synthesize the meeting findings and publish a set of recommendations for moving forward.
  • Dr. Luis Rodriguez-Saona talks about the technology in his lab that detects food fraud in a story with WBNS Channel 10.
  • Dr. Sheryl Barringer talks about her garlic research in a Reader’s Digest article about “13 Things You Should Never Eat on an Airplane.”
  • Dr. Abby Snyder talks about eggs and foodborne illness in this recent CFAES Chow Line article.
  • Dr. Besma Abbaoui and Dr. Jessica Cooperstone participated in the Infectious Diseases Institute’s Discovery Talks. Discovery Talks showcase TED-style talks by faculty to educate our community and share how our discoveries are contributing answers to real-world challenges around the globe.
  • Congratulations to Megan Lu who received the Virginia Dare scholarship. Each year the Virginia Dare Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate food science student based on academic achievement, leadership, professional potential and interest in flavor technology.
  • Congratulations to the following students who have received a Feeding Tomorrow scholarship: Geoffrey Dubrow, Mackenzie Hannum, and Katie Williamson received a graduate scholarship and Megan Gregg received an undergraduate scholarship.
  • PhD student Sichaya Sittipod talks about the complexities and Nuances of coffee in a Columbus Dispatch article.
  • MS student Rob Hallinan blogged about Ayurveda in a recent IFTSA Science Meets Food Blog.
  • MS student Mackenzie Hannum blogged about three dimensional printing of food in a recent IFTSA Science Meets Food Blog.
  • The 2nd Annual Ohio Mass Spectrometry and Metabolomics Symposium was held at Ohio State earlier this month and included participation from several FST faculty, staff, and students. Dr. Emmanuel Hatzakis and Dr. Jessica Cooperstone were plenary speakers and Dr. Ken Riedl and Dr. Matthias Klein served as a moderators for the oral presentations. PhD student Sichaya Sittipod participated with an oral presentation.
  • The following students placed in the OVIFT poster competition that was held in our department this spring - Graduate student category: 1st place - Emily Holman, Finalists - Geoff Dubrow, Mackenzie Hannum, Meredith Myers, Matt Teegarden, and Katie Williamson. Undergraduate student category: 1st place - Daniel Sosh, Finalists - Anna Schmenk, Karli Van Simaeys, and Morgan Whitecotton.

Upcoming Events
6/6                       Dairy Lab Skills Enrichment Workshop
6/13 – 6/14           Better Process Control School Acidified Foods Only
7/2 – 7/5              Better Process Control School (Spanish)
7/16                     OSU at IFT Friends and Alumni reception
               6:00 – 7:30 pm Williford B at the Hilton Chicago
7/23 – 7/24          Introductory HACCP
7/25 – 7/27          FSPCA – Preventive Controls for Human Food Training