CFAES Give Today

Department of Food Science and Technology


Food Science and Technology News: May 2017 Highlights

  • Planning to attend the IFT Annual Meeting this Year? Don’t forget your ticket to our OSU at IFT reception. The reception is set for Monday, June 26th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm and will be held at the Venetian. Contact Kelly Elisar at if you have any questions.
  • We are pleased to announce that the following people will be joining our department in June (Dr. Snyder) and in August (Dr. Klein and Dr. Kowalcyk):
    Dr. Matthias Klein - Assistant Professor. Discovery Theme Foods For Health: Personalized Food and Nutritional Metabolomics.
    Dr. Barbara Kowalcyk – Assistant Professor. Discovery Theme Translational Data Analytics Collaborative: Food Informatics.
    Dr. Abby Snyder – Assistant Professor. Field Specialist, Food Safety and Management – OSUE, Human Ecology, Extension Administration.
  • A joint meeting of the Inaugural Conference on Food and Nutritional Metabolomics for Health and the 14th Annual Ohio Mass Spectrometry Symposium was held at Ohio State this month and included participation from several FST faculty, staff, and students. Dr. Devin Peterson was a plenary speaker and Dr. Morgan Cichon, Dr. Ken Riedl, and PhD student Matt Teegarden presented during a metabolomics tutorial. PhD student Sichaya Sittipod and MS student Katie Williamson both received the “People’s Choice” award for their poster presentations. In addition, FST students and post-docs who presented posters included Geoff Dubrow, Matt Teegarden, and Dr. Jess Cooperstone.
  • Dr. Ken Lee facilitated the panel discussion on Trust & Transparency in the Food & Beverage Industry during the third annual FoodBev Forum. Click here to learn more about the forum.
  • Dr. Valente Alvarez participated in the CFAES D.C. Days, which provided an opportunity to visit with a variety of federal agencies and program officers in Washington, D.C. The program was designed by the OARDC's Director's Office and the Grant Development Support Unit to increase the competitiveness of grants submitted by faculty.
  • Dr. Rafael Jimenez-Flores participated in the 5th International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality in Beijing China. He presented a plenary talk on “Recent Developments on Dairy Ingredients.”
  • Congratulations to the following FST students who received a scholarship from the Ohio Valley Institute of Food Technologists.
    Undergraduate: Anya Arora - Dr. Grady Chism III OSU Undergraduate Scholarship, Anna Schmenk - OVIFT Scholarship, Jenna Fryer - OVIFT Scholarship
    Graduate: Katie Williamson - John Litchfield Graduate Fellowship, Meredith Myers - OVIFT Scholarship, Jacob Farr - OVIFT Scholarship, Didem Aykas - OVIFT Scholarship
  • Congratulations to John Frelka who was the first recipient of the Pamela Parker Gartin and Tom Parker Graduate Scholarship Award. The new award consists of a monetary scholarship awarded to one graduate student per academic year.
  • Congratulations to PhD student Mei-Ling Shotts who was named the 2016-2017 FST Outstanding Teaching Assistant.
  • Congratulations to PhD student Sichaya Sittipod who was awarded the IFT Feeding Tomorrow Dr. Richard L. Hall Flavor Science scholarship.
  • PhD student Alex Pierce recently posted in the IFTSA blog Science Meets Food: Chew on This.
  • Adjunct professor Dr. John Litchfield, MS student Meredith Myers, PhD students Matt Teegarden, Peren Aykas, and Jacob Farr served as Food Science scholarship judges on State Science Day at OSU.
  • In collaboration with Quality Chekd Dairies, the Food Industries Center offered an industry training course on the Dairy Laboratory’s Role in FSMA-Preventive Controls Compliance on May 17 – 18. This workshop covered the requirements that dairy laboratories must follow to comply with the FSMA regulation, focusing on best practices for monitoring and verifying each preventive control.

Upcoming Events
June 12           The Truth About Food: The Role of Science in Public Affairs Journalism
1:00 – 4:00 pm,           Event Registration
June 14-15           Better Process Control School Acidified Food Only
8:00 – 5:00 pm,           Registration
June 24-25           IFT 2017 – Flavor Interactions in Foods Short Course
8:00 – 5:00 pm,           Course Information
June 26           OSU at IFT Friends and Alumni Reception
5:30 – 7:30 pm,           The Venetian, Las Vegas