- The Ohio State Knowledge Exchange recently featured a tour of the Wilbur A. Gould Food Industries Center (FIC). Dr. Valente B. Alvarez provided a brief history and explained the types of research available at the center. Pilot plant supervisors Matt Papic and Gary Wenneker walked the virtual audience through the pilot plants to share a behind-the-scenes look, and FIC program specialist Steven Simmons showcased service projects and benefits to different clients. Click here to view.
- Dr. Benoît Rousseau has been appointed as an Adjunct Professor to our department. Dr. Rousseau has over 20 years of industry experience as a market researcher and sensory scientist at the Institute for Perception, where he currently serves as Senior Vice President. He will teach a course entitled The Science of Human Sensory Measurements: Theoretical Principles and Industrial Applications during the Spring term of 2022.
- Ohio State News recently featured a published study by Dr. Chris Simons, alumni Dr. Mackenzie Hannum and Jenna Fryer that researches the sense of smell to better utilize food consumption for things like improved nutrition and combatting obesity.
- Congratulations to Dr. Melvin Pascall who is named as an inventor of the recently issued patent titled “Small Molecule Antimicrobials.”
- Congratulations to the Food Science, Food Business Management, and Culinary Science students who were named to the 2021 Spring Semester Dean’s List. Click here to see the list of students.
- Our department was well represented at the IFT Annual Meeting held earlier this month. Congratulations to our FST students who placed in the IFT Division oral competitions: Dr. Gonzalo Miyagusuku Cruzado placed 1st in the Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Division; Veeramani Karuppuchamy placed 2nd in the Quality Management Division; Xiaoyan Tan placed 1st and Sydney Grouge placed 2nd in the Fruit and Vegetable Division; Danielle Voss placed 1st in the Food Chemistry Division; and Kym Man placed 1st in the Sensory and Consumer Science Division. Additional accolades for Ohio State included: Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam was recognized as the 2021 recipient of the IFT Research and Development Award; Philip Eberly won the undergraduate award for Excellence in Leadership; Diana Karajeh won 1st place in the Undergraduate Research Competition; Ohio State’s IFTSA Chapter received Chapter of the Year “Support” Award; and Ohio State made it to the finals and placed 3rd in the College Bowl. Presentations during On Demand Sessions included Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam “ Research Innovations in High Pressure-Based Technologies for Food and Beverage Products Processing”; Elliot Dhuey “Best Practices for Science Blogging”, and Dr. Chris Simons “Seeking Meaningful Significance: Insights into Academic and Industry Statistical Practices and How to Prepare for Both.” The following students presented research posters: Jeff Caminiti (finalist), Siyu Yao (finalist), Kuanrong Zhu (finalist), Shreya Nuguri (finalist), Aishwarya Badiger, Jennifer Janovick, Wooju Kim, Da Chen, Jerish Joyner Janahar, Dr. Didem Aykas, Elliot Dhuey, Erica Grush, Dr. Shuai Ren, and Maria Cotter. PhD student Abbie Sommer served as the IFTSA College Bowl Chair.
- There was a large contingency of faculty, staff, and students at the recent 2021 IAFP (International Association for Food Protection) Annual Meeting. Dr. Barbara Kowalcyk was a panelist for the following roundtables: “Strengthening Food Safety Risk Management on the African Continent through International Collaboration” and “Food Irradiation: Where We've Been, Where We are Now, and What's Next.” Dr. Kowalcyk also presented “Benefits of FSMA for Consumers.” Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam and Dr. Denny Heldman presented in the hybrid symposium “New and innovative technologies for sanitation in dry processing environments: Establishing critical factors for novel dry sanitation technologies.” Dr. Balasubramaniam also presented at the symposium “Decontamination of Dry Food Plant with Superheated Steam: Current Status and Future Research Needs.” The following students and staff presented posters: Dr. Kara Morgan, Nasandra Wright, Drew Barkley, Dr. Aaron Beczkiewicz, Ariel Garsow, Allison Howell, and Howard Park.
- Congratulations to the following students who placed in the 2021 American Dairy Association’s student competitions: Abigail Krentz placed 1st in the National Dairy Council Graduate Student Paper Contest in Dairy Foods Research; Erica Kosmerl placed 2nd in the Schreiber Foods Graduate Student Poster Contest in Dairy Foods Research; and Anna Carroll placed 2nd in the ADSA-SAD Undergraduate Poster Contest – Original Research/Independent Study. The student competition took place during the 2021 ASDA Virtual Annual Meeting earlier this month.
- Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam presented a virtual lecture titled “Research advances and future perspectives in process development of high-pressure based technologies” to the Food Engineering Division of the 2021 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting in Korea.
- A number of FST faculty and staff attended the Virtual XI International Congress of Biochemical Engineering -Mexico on June 30 – July 2. Dr. Valente B. Alvarez gave a Keynote Presentation "Research and Education Developments Influenced by Significant Food Trends", as well as facilitated a roundtable on "Emerging Technologies, Dairy Products and Health, and Cold Chain: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities” where topic experts included FST Post-Doctoral Researchers Drs. Joana Ortega and Israel Garcia Cano on Dairy Products and Health. Dr. Rafael Jiménez Flores also presented on "Significance of milk fat membrane composition and structure for its isolation and application in foods".
- Dr. Valente B. Alvarez led the Food Industries Center’s virtual Dairy Pasteurization Workshop on July 13 – 15. The 2.5-day training gave participants an excellent overview of the concepts of the HTST pasteurization system including the key components, their function and regulatory requirements per the PMO as it relates to the Time, Temperature and Pressure relationships of dairy product manufacturing.
Upcoming Events
August 6 FST Summer Graduation Party
2:30 – Zoom
August 8 Ohio State Summer Graduation
August 24 Autumn Semester Classes Start
October 8 2021 FST Hall of Distinction
October 18-21 Food Industries Center Training Course
Curso de Mejor Control de Proceso Térmico y Envasado de Alimentos: FDA Certified Better Process Control School (BPCS) en Español