- We are pleased to announce the 2021 OSU FST Hall of Distinction Inductees:
Mr. Thomas Diehl
Dr. John Larkin
Mr. Daniel Soehnlen
Mark your calendar and plan to join us on October 8th as we recognize these individuals and their contributions to food science and technology as well as their support of our department and The Ohio State University. - Congratulations to Dr. Ahmed Yousef who has been appointed the Virginia Hutchison Bazler and Frank E. Bazler Chair in Food Science, effective August 15, 2021. Ahmed has 30+ years of experience as an innovative researcher, engaging teacher, and international outreach expert in the area of food safety. The Ohio State University Board of Trustees approved the establishment of the Virginia Hutchison Bazler and Frank E. Bazler Chair in Food Science in November 2020.
- We welcomed everyone back to campus this month for the start of fall semester including 29 new undergraduate and transfer students and 28 new graduate students to the department this semester for a total of 99 undergraduate and 96 graduate students in the department. Activities included a pre-convocation visit to the department for all incoming and transfer students to FST, orientation for our new graduate students, and a pizza lunch for all FST faculty, staff, and students.
- Dr. Rafael Jimenez-Flores has received a research grant from Reckitt Benckiser (formerly Mead Johnson) for a proposal titled “Effect of lipids in digested MFGM ingredient on membrane composition of highly differentiated Caco-2 human intestinal cells.”
- Congratulations to FST sophomore Chris Dible who was named a finalist in the National FFA’s Fiber and/or Oil Crop Proficiency Award Area.
- On August 2 – 6, the Food Industries Center trained FDA, NOAA, U.S. Army, and state regulators through the FD152 Food Processing & Technology virtual course. Dr. Valente B. Alvarez led a team of collaborators from FST, FABE, and the food industry, including numerous staff and graduate students, and the following faculty: Dr. V.M. 'Bala' Balasubramaniam, Dr. Osvaldo Campanella, Dr. Rafael Jimenez-Flores, Dr. Melvin Pascall, Dr. Mary Kay Pohlschneider, and Dr. Sudhir Sastry. The 5 day course provided an overview of the basic principles in food processing, technology, and awareness of associated equipment used to ensure the safety of manufactured foods.
- Dr. Devin Peterson and PhD student Brianne Linne participated in a media briefing and talked about Brianne’s research at the American Chemical Society’s Annual Meeting. Click here to view the presentation. This research was also mentioned in a story by ABC News and included quoted from Dr. Peterson, Brianne, and Dr. Chris Simons.
- Dr. V.M. ‘Bala’ Balasubramaniam taught food engineering course material as a part of the IFT Certified Food Scientist (CFS) Prep Course (July 26-August 26) to food industry professionals.
- The department’s 2021 Autumn Seminar Series schedule can be found here. The seminars take place from 4:00 -5:00 pm in the Parker Food Science and Technology Building room 118 each week and are open to the public.
Upcoming Events
September 1 FST Seminar
Dr. Frederic Bertley, CEO and President of the Center of Science and Industry (COSI)
4:00 -5:00 pm Parker 118
September 8 FST Seminar
Dr. Lynn Knipe, FST Associate Professor
4:00 – 5:00 pm Parker 118
September 15 FST Seminar
Dr. VM Bala Balasubramaniam, FST Professor
4:00 – 5:00 pm Parker 118
September 22 FST Seminar
Dr. Melvin Pascall, FST professor
4:00 – 5:00 pm Parker 118
September 29 FST Seminar
Dr. Matt Sullivan, Professor; Ohio State Department of Microbiology
4:00 – 5:00 pm Parker 118
October 8 FST Hall of Distinction
6:00 – 7:30 pm Parker Food Science and Technology Lobby
October 18-21 Food Industries Center Training Course
Curso de Mejor Control de Proceso Térmico y Envasado de Alimentos: FDA Certified Better Process Control School (BPCS) en Español
November 9 Food Industries Center Training Course
Cleaning and Sanitation Basics
November 10-11 Food Industries Center Training Course
Advanced CIP