- Welcome to Cambree Moser, who is the department’s new Academic Program Coordinator.
- The Ohio State University Board of Trustees has approved establishment of the Kurt Deibel Family Fund. The annual distribution from this fund shall be used to support a graduate student in the Department of Food Science and Technology in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
- Congratulations to Dr. Mary Kay Pohlschneider on being named the 2016-2017 Food Science Club Teacher of the Year. Dr. Pohlschneider also received the 2016-2017 Residence Life Director's Award for Outstanding Academic Partnership.
- Congratulations to Dr. Chris Simons who received the Barry Jacobs Memorial Award for Research Excellence in the Psychophysics of Taste and Smell at the 2017 Association of Chemoreception Sciences Annual Meeting. As an award recipient, he gave featured talk during the Awards Lectures Symposium entitled “Multidisciplinary Research: Towards a Better Understanding of Flavor Perception.
- Dr. Ahmed Yousef, Dr. Jiyoung Lee, and Dr. Melvin Pascall were awarded Senior Faculty of the Year, Junior Faculty of the Year, and Innovator of the Year, respectively at the 2017 OARDC Annual Conference. Videos about their work are featured on our website.
- Congratulations to Dr. Monica Giusti who has been granted a new patent with shared IP between Ohio State and MARS Inc.: Method of isolating blue anthocyanin fractions, United States Patent 9598581.
- Dr. Ken Lee served as the host for the Columbus Metropolitan Club’s luncheon featuring Dr. David Hughes: Wild Ride Ahead for Food System. In addition, Citation Needed hosted Dr. Hughes the following day for a luncheon on the CFAES campus.
- Dr. Yael Vodovotz was recently featured for her volunteer work with IFT.
- Dr. Ken Lee spoke at the 2nd Annual Discovery Talks. His talk was titled ‘The Future of Eggs is now”. Discovery Talks is an outreach program that sends experts to give educational, TED-style talks in the community. These talks demonstrate how our research is contributing to discoveries and real-world solutions around the globe.
- Congratulations to the following students who received an IFT Feeding Tomorrow Scholarship:
Geoffrey Dubrow - Richard Hall Flavor Science Division Scholarship
Olivia Thompson - Feeding Tomorrow Arthur Schramm Endowed Scholarship
Ayna Arora - Feeding Tomorrow Undergraduate
Jenna Fryer – Feeding Tomorrow Undergraduate
Anna Schmenk - Feeding Tomorrow Undergraduate - Congratulations to our department’s Ocean Spray Product Development team on their 2nd place finish in the final competition! Team members include: Mackenzie Hannum – team captain, Geoff Dubrow, Andrew Lodge, Meredith Myers, and Katie Williamson.
- A number of our students and alum were recognized at 2017 CFAES banquet:
FST Alumnae Jennifer Guilford, Maria Ruhlman were recognized (along with Extension Educator Emily Adams) with the Meritorious Service to Students award for their creation and implementation of the State FFA Food Science contest.
Vanessa Egbo and Hallie Davidson – CFAES Outstanding Senior
Daniel Sosh, and Anna Schmenk – Newcomb Scholar
Trent Dues – CFAES Internship Award
Jenna Fryer – Jill A. Pfister Outstanding First Year Student Scholarship - Congratulations to our new Food Science Club Executive Board members for the 2017-2018 academic year:
President: Megan Lu
Vice President: Emily Kreinbrink
Treasurer: Johnny Shirk
Secretary: Emily Holman
OVIFT Liaison: Eric Yale
Industry Liaison: Rachael Chen & Jeff Caminiti
Product Development Liaison: Morgan Whitecotton
Social Chair: Kelly Deatherage & Philip Eberly
CFAES Student Council: Ashley Besancon - FST Post Doc John Frelka recently posted in the Don’t Eat the Pseudoscience blog: https://donteatpseudo.wordpress.com/2017/04/26/the-magic-behind-the-unicorn-frappuccino/
- MS student Mackenzie Hannum recently posted in the IFTSA blog Science Meets Food: http://sciencemeetsfood.org/subtle-influences-liking-food-told-michelle-tanner/
- Planning to attend the IFT Annual Meeting this Year? Don’t forget your ticket to our OSU at IFT reception. The reception is set for Monday, June 26th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm and will be held at the Venetian. Contact Kelly Elisar at elisar.1@osu.edu if you have any questions.
- The Food Industries Center and their recent equipment donations were featured in an issue of the Cheese Reporter.
Upcoming Events
May 4 Foods for Health Discovery Theme seminar with Dr. Bart Weimer
2:30 - 3:30 pm, Parker 118
May 5 FST Spring Graduation Party
2:30 – 3:30 pm, Parker Food Science Lobby
May 17-18 1st Annual Conference on Food and Nutritional Metabolomics
June 12 The Truth About Food: The Role of Science in Public Affairs Journalism
1:00 - 4:00 pm, Event Registration
June 26 OSU at IFT
5:30 – 7:30, the Venetian, Las Vegas