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Department of Food Science and Technology


Dr. Ken Lee named 2014 recipient of the Harold Macy Award

Jan. 21, 2014

FST Professor Dr. Ken Lee has been named the 2014 recipient of the Harold Macy Award.


          The award, established in 1981, is given annually to recognize an outstanding example of food technology transfer or cooperation between scientists or technologists in any two of the following settings: academic, government, and private industry. The purpose of the award is to advance the profession and practice of food technology and to honor Harold Macy, former Dean Emeritus of the University of Minnesota and a Founding Member of IFT.

          Ken Lee is director of the Food Innovation Center at The Ohio State University. He is a professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology, which he served as chair for 16 years. Dr. Lee came to Ohio State in 1990 from the University of Wisconsin, where he began his academic career in 1980. As an acknowledged leader in the field of food science, he has served on the board of directors and chaired several initiatives of the Institute of Food Technologists, the nation’s food science professional society. He also provides leadership in food industry issues as past-president of the Food Update Foundation. Dr. Lee’s federal appointments include service on the FDA’s Food Advisory Committee and the NAS-NRC Doctoral Review Planning Committee. He helps advance food commercialization as the principal investigator of a $3M Ohio Third Frontier Award and builds future leaders with several NIFA-USDA training grants. He has published some 60 papers on nutrient inhibitors and food toxicants. In 2007 the Institute of Food Technologists awarded him the Carl R. Fellers Award for bringing distinction to the profession of food science. Dr. Lee is immediate past-president of Phi Tau Sigma, the honorary society for food science and technology.