Dr. Martha Belury has been appointed Interim Chair of the Ohio State University Department of Food Science and Technology effective July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023. Having served the department as chair for 10 years, Dr. Sheryl Barringer will step down and return to her full faculty appointment where she will teach and conduct research. Dr. Barringer will continue to serve at the site director at the Center for Advanced Processing and Packaging Studies (CAPPS).
The department hosted their annual graduation party and celebrated 23 undergraduate students, 3 Masters students, and 3 PhD’s who graduated during spring semester. We also published a special edition graduation newsletter that gave the graduates a chance to share some of their favorite memories as well as acknowledge some of the people who supported them. Congratulations and best of luck to our newest alumni.
Congratulations to Food Science and Technology faculty Dr. Emmanuel Hatzakis and Dr. Barbara Kowalcyk on their promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure. This action was officially taken at the May 2022 meeting of the Ohio State University Board of Trustees.
Ohio State News published an article highlighting COVID-19 research involving the loss of taste and smell during the rise of COVID’s delta infections. The research is based on a small study published in Med conducted at Ohio State and includes PhD student Kym Man and Dr. Christopher Simons as two of the co-authors.
Dr. Devin Peterson presented at the Sensory Summit held at University of California Davis. He shared about research from the Ohio State’s Flavor Research and Education Center (FREC) that focuses on using new techniques to discover and identify chemical compounds that drive important perceptions in coffee, including flavor and texture.
Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam served as a judge in the IFT Nonthermal Processing Division (IFT-NPD) student pitch competition "Think Tank.” The event was organized by IFT NPD student representatives with a view of promoting entrepreneurship among students and helping them learn about solving real-life problems through the application of scientific principles.
This summer, Dr. Osvaldo Campanella is a visiting professor of CentraleSupélec. He will work for two months at the LGPM Chair of Biotechnology on the project "Improving the performance of bio-based plastics by extrusion of starch products", with the objective of obtaining new bio-based materials for various applications.
Congratulations to Abigail Krentz (MS 21), Peyton Greenwood (MS 22), Danielle Voss, and Dr. Yumin Xu (PhD 22) on receiving an Outstanding Graduate Research Award this past semester. This award was created to encourage graduate students to publish high-quality research in a timely manner and is open to all graduate students in the department and the selection criteria can be found in the grad student handbook.
Congratulations to Dr.Yumin Xu who received the 2021-2022 Outstanding Teaching Assistant (TA) Award. The Outstanding TA award recognizes TA’s who have made distinguished contributions to our department by demonstrating excellence in any number of areas such as assisting with lab instruction, recitation, or discussion sections, or assisting faculty members with high-enrollment courses.
Congratulations to Cameron Jordan for being awarded the 2022 Virginia Dare scholarship. This scholarship goes to an undergraduate student who has demonstrated a strong interest in a future career in food science and has shown exceptional scholarship and leadership as a student.
Congratulations to PhD student Aishwarya Badiger on being named a finalist in the IFTSA Excellence in Leadership award.
Dr. Lynn Knipe conducted a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) class for 23 incarcerated workers, and 4 staff, at the Ohio Penal Industries Meat Processing Career Center, located at the Pickaway Correctional Institute. HACCP training is required for all meat processing establishments that operate under the USDA FSIS or state meat inspection.
On May 2 – 6, the Food Industries Center trained FDA, NOAA, U.S. Army, and state regulators through the FD152 Food Processing & Technology virtual course. Dr. Valente B. Alvarez led a team of collaborators from FST, FABE, and the food industry, including numerous staff and graduate students, and the following faculty: Dr. V.M. 'Bala' Balasubramaniam, Dr. Sheryl Barringer, Dr. Osvaldo Campanella, Dr. Rafael Jimenez-Flores, Dr. Melvin Pascall, Dr. Mary Kay Pohlschneider, and Dr. Sudhir Sastry. The 5 day course provided an overview of the basic principles in food processing, technology, and awareness of associated equipment used to ensure the safety of manufactured foods.
Congratulations to the new leadership teams of these FST student organizations for 2022-2023: Food Science Club: President – Cameron Jordan; Vice President – Rachel Berk; Secretary – LeAnn Regula; Treasurer – Anya Barrera; Industry Liaison – Cam Rich; Social/Volunteer – Rachel Barrett and Andrea Esselburn; IFT Liaison – Silvette Ruiz-Ramirez; CFAES Liaison – Julianna Andres. Citation Needed: President – Celeste Miller; Vice President – Rahul Venkatram; Treasurer – Shoshanna Ginsburg; Secretary – Sakura Sugiyama; Events Chair – Maria Sholola; Social Media - Joel Ramkhelawan; and CFAES Liaison – Daniel Do.
The Phi Tau Sigma Buckeye Chapter hosted their 2nd annual ‘Phive’-K fun run/walk earlier this month. Faculty, staff, and students turned out to participate in the event which took them through many beautiful outdoor spaces on the Ohio State campus.
Upcoming Events June 23 – 24 Food Industries Center Training Course
Better Process Control School Acidified Foods https://www.go.osu.edu/acid