- Congratulations to Dr. Rafael Jimenez-Flores who was named the 2022 recipient of the American Dairy Science Association Award of Honor. The ADSA Award of Honor was created to recognize unusually outstanding and consistent contributions to the welfare of the association or distinguished service to the association. The award was presented during the ADSA Annual Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. In addition, several students from the department participated in the research poster competition. Congratulations to Brianda Gonzalez Orozco who received first place. Other students presenting their research included Simone Fishel, Erica Kosmerl, Ronald Melendrez, Silvette Ruiz-Ramirez, and Rahul Venkatram.
- Congratulations to PhD student Elliot Dhuey on his 1st place finish in the 2022 IFT Student Food Packaging Development Competition. Elliot’s submission was titled ‘Harnessing the bio-preservative power of probiotics through multilayered edible films’ and he will be formally recognized during the upcoming FIRST 2022 Food Packaging, Food Engineering, and Nonthermal Processing Divisions joint social event.
- Articles about Dr. Sheryl Barringer and our department’s new brewing science minor were published in the Spring 2022 Issue of the CFAES Agrinaturalist magazine.
- The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry recently published research out of the lab of Dr. Osvaldo Campanella. Food & Drink Business also reported on the research study.
- PhD student Jerish Joyner Janahar’s research in ultrashear technology has resulted in an article published in Food Hydrocolloids. PhD student Howard Park’s research demonstrating the feasibility of using superheated steam as a sanitation method in dry food processing environments was published in Food and Bioprocess Technology. Both students are advised by Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam.
Upcoming Events
July 10-13th IFT Annual Meeting
August 5 FST Summer Graduation Party
August 16 – 19 Food Industries Center Training Course
Better Process Control School (hybrid)
Oct 18 – 20 Food Industries Center Training Course
Cleaning and Sanitation Basics + Advanced CIP
Oct 25 – 26 Food Industries Center Training Course
Introductory HACCP
Nov 9 – 11 Food Industries Center Training Course
PCQI Training: Preventive Controls for Human Food