- We are pleased to announce the 2023 OSU FST Hall of Distinction Inductees:
- Mr. Ronald D. Harris, retired industry executive and FST adjunct faculty member
- Dr. Anuradha Prakash, Professor, Chapman University and Chapman Food Innovation Director
- Ms. Mary Kay Stephenson, former food safety leader at the JM Smucker Company
Mark your calendar and plan to join us on Friday, September 15th as we recognize these individuals and their contributions to food science and technology as well as their support of our department and The Ohio State University. Click here for more event information or to register. - The department hosted their annual graduation party and celebrated our students who graduated during summer semester. We also published a special edition graduation newsletter that gave the graduates a chance to share some of their favorite memories as well as acknowledge some of the people who supported them. Congratulations and best of luck to our newest alumni.
- Dr. Melvin Pascall (principal investigator) and Dr. Ahmed Yousef were part of a team that received a Sustainability Research Seed Grant for a project titled “Development of a biobased packaging film made from food waste and designed with accelerated degradation capabilities in landfills.”
- Flavor Research and Education Center (FREC) researchers Dr. Devin Peterson, Post Doctoral Associate Dr. Annie Li and Visiting Research Professor Dr. Edisson Tello are part of a multidisciplinary OSU research team who has been awarded $1.8 million to determine strawberry varieties that can be grown indoors and develop varieties that will yield premium, novel flavors. Click here to learn more.
- Our department was well represented at this year’s Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium in Nantes, France. The Pangborn Symposium is the leading sensory science conference attracting nearly 2000 attendees from across the globe. FST graduate students Sam Hoffman and Kevin Kim both received a student bursary and had flash talks and displayed posters. FST graduate student Allison Burg had a poster and recent graduate Dr. Kym Man had a podium talk. Dr. Christopher Simons delivered a plenary lecture.
- Dr. Nicole Arnold, FST food safety field specialist and assistant professor, talks about contaminated packaged food in an article by Parade.
- FST graduate student Danielle M. Voss attended the International Conference on Polyphenols (ICP) in Nantes, France this summer, funded in part by the Ray Travel Award from the Graduate School, where she presented a talk and a poster on her dissertation work on Pyranoanthocyanins. Congratulations to Danielle as she also placed 1st on the poster competition.
- Congratulations to Steven Simmons who is now a Lead Instructor for the Preventive Controls for Human Food Course. Steven successfully completed the FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Virtual Lead Instructor Training and can now lead this industry course that offers standardized curriculum recognized by FDA as one way to meet the requirements for a preventive controls qualified individual.
- Welcome to Kandice Horton who has joined our department as a fiscal associate.
- On August 8 – 11, Dr. Valente B. Alvarez led the Food Industries Center’s hybrid Better Process Control School, with lectures from Steven Simmons, Matt Papic, Brianda Gonzalez Orozco, and expert industry collaborators. Daily lectures were offered in microbiology, acidified and low-acid foods, container closures and handling, thermal processing, and recordkeeping. This course satisfies the training requirements specified in both the FDA and USDA regulations designed to prevent public health hazards in low-acid and acidified low-acid canned foods.
- The Food Industries Center offered a customized, hands-on Ice Cream Making Course on August 18. Dr. Valente B. Alvarez led participants through the processing technologies and practices of an ice cream operation.
- On August 28 – 29, the Food Industries Center conducted an onsite Better Process Control School at Michael Foods (West Jefferson, OH). Lead instructor, Dr. Valente Alvarez, Steven Simmons, and Brianda Gonzalez Orozco trained employees in thermal processing of aseptic foods in preparation for this new facility’s production launch in November.
- The department’s 2023 Autumn Seminar Series schedule can be found here. The seminars take place from 4:00 -5:00 pm in the Parker Food Science and Technology Building room 118 each week and are open to the public.
Upcoming Events
September 6 FST Seminar Series
Ouliana Ziouzenkova, PhD; OSU Department of Human Sciences
4-5 Parker 118
September 13 FST Seminar Series
Daniel Spakowicz, PhD; Division of Medical Oncology, OSUCCC
4-5 Parker 118
September 15 2023 FST Hall of Distinction
5:30 – 7 pm Food Science and Technology Building
Register here to attend
September 20 FST Seminar Series
Douglas Goff, PhD; University of Guelph
4-5 pm Parker 118
September 27 FST Seminar Series
Michael Miller, PhD; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
4-5 pm Parker 118
October 6 FST Ice Cream Social - CFAES Homecoming
12 – 2 pm Food Science and Technology Lobby
October 17 Food Industries Center Training Course
Cleaning and Sanitation Basics
October 18 – 19 Food Industries Center Training Course
Advanced CIP